The scenario is: With an Android version of Gmail, you send an email to your friend and you’ll immediately notice that you’ve made something wrong. While a few days ago you had to explain the mistake in another email, now with the help of Gmail’s new Gmail update, users have the ability to erase emails.

A few years ago, Google tried to take new creativity and get help from artificial intelligence to control the cooling systems of its data centers. This would save energy and at the same time lower the temperature of these data centers. Meanwhile, residents of Manitoba have announced that the project is being implemented and the cooling system of the company’s data centers is controlled by artificial intelligence.

While we are concerned about the growing use of websites by cookies and applications that require access to location information for no apparent reason, the researchers are taking a step ahead of us.

A new article called Touch and You’re Trapp (ck) ed has just been released, detailing what the researchers call “touch-based monitoring”. The team used experts from a special application and asked 89 participants to test their theoretical models.

While the app was designed to collect the required amount of motion gesture more quickly and through video game experience from users, the main raw data was obtained from Android MotionEvent programming interface. It is available to developers without any special security licenses; iOS also has the same programming interface.

These days, calling video is one of the easiest things to do. You can make phone calls with friends and acquaintances using computers, smartphones and even tablets. This is a part of the world, and today there are plenty of apps to make video calls. In this article, we introduce the top 8 Android apps for making video calls.